
Mold Inspection Pittsburgh


Mold is an invisible fungus that can live anywhere and reproduce without air or sunlight. It thrives in moist, warm environments and can cause health problems, including asthma, allergies, sinusitis, or chronic lung conditions. A trained professional should perform a mold inspection in Pittsburgh to determine if there is a problem in your home or business.

A Mold inspection Pittsburgh can prevent the failure of household and specialty items and protect you from the damage a widespread problem can cause. You also want a professional to help ground-check your building for conditions that could result in mold growth. Because molds can be found almost anywhere, you need to know what to look for and how to control them.

How can a mold inspection in Pittsburgh help an organization?

An organization hires a trained professional to evaluate its building for potential problems due to aging, water damage, or construction defect issues that can lead to failure of building components and threaten company property, people, or customers. By implementing the findings of a mold inspection in Pittsburgh, an organization can create a more comfortable place to work and foster higher productivity. The results of a Mold inspection cost Pittsburgh money by re-inspecting a building or salon regularly and identifying potential problems while they are still fixable.

Benefits of hiring Mold Inspection Pittsburgh

The most significant advantage of hiring a Pure Air Nation expert is having someone on your side who you can trust to do the job correctly. That person will know what to look for, how to handle evidence, and what steps to take if water damage is found. This could ultimately save you time, effort, and money.

  1. A special qualification

    You want a qualification that you can rely on. Our experts have an academic background of study and over ten years of field experience. Some of our technicians are licensed contractors specializing in water and fire damage restoration, mold remediation, and asbestos abatement. No matter who you hire, make sure they have the qualifications to do a mold inspection in Pittsburgh correctly.

  1. A higher standard of practice

    Depending on your location Pure Air Nation may be required to follow an exact standard of practice. We are trained to follow these standards to protect ourselves against legal action by insurance companies, should a problem related to the water damage that our company is trying to fix be the cause for litigation.

  1. Specialized equipment

    Pure Air Nation technicians use special equipment that allows them to find hidden mold and air quality problems that a typical homeowner might have missed with their regular home inspection. A trained technician will also have experience with this equipment, which can mean the difference between locating small areas of mold as opposed to missing them entirely during a mold inspection in Pittsburgh or a building inspection in Pittsburgh.

  2. A higher standard of care

    Our experts are approachable and respectful, affecting your business with as little disruption as possible. They know your time is essential and that you want the job done quickly so you can get back to business. We also take extra precautions during a mold inspection in Pittsburgh to make sure we don’t make any messes or damage property in your place of business or home.

Why should you choose Mold Inspection Pittsburgh?

A mold inspection in Pittsburgh can help you save money by preventing problems from getting out of hand, as well as helping you protect yourself or your business from litigation. Pure Air Nation provides a detailed report on the results of our inspection that identifies potential and existing problems that could be causing water damage. We can also tell you what needs to be done to rectify that problem, along with any financial implications that require money and time to repair the building. This allows you to make informed decisions about your home or business and choose the best course of action to get it back in working order as quickly as possible. Assess your problem or treat it yourself with our Bleach and Vinegar Kill Mold Guide.


Final Words

Pure Air Nation is the company you want to hire when it comes time to find a mold inspection in Pittsburgh. We are trained, experienced, and dedicated professionals who will reason with you regarding the next step to take to get your building back in working order as quickly and inexpensively as possible. We are experts in our industry and want to help you because we want to see your building succeed and be the best it can be, not because we are looking for your money. As our customers, you are part of our family, and we want to see you succeed. Call now for a free estimate, or book here, and join the hundreds of five-star reviews we have serviced.

Author Profile
Matt Dayton Owner of Pure Air Nation
Owner, Founder, Mold Technician at Pure Air Nation | Website

Matthew Dayton, is the founder and operator of Pure Air Nation. He has over a decade-plus of experience working in Mold Remediation and Water Restoration. Matt is a fifth generation Pittsburgher or yinzer and is currently raising the sixth generation! Matt has an overwhelming strong belief in affordable pricing without any sacrifice to quality of service. Most of Matt's values and community driven approach stems from his own humble beginnings and blue collar attitude. Matt is educated in the Pittsburgh public school system and later attended Thiel College in Mercer County, PA to study Education. Matt also holds CMR (Certified Mold Remediator), CMI (Certified Mold Inspection) and MRS (Mold Remediation Specialist) certificates while Pure Air Nation boasts 4.8+ and hundreds of five-star reviews across Google and Home Advisor. You can contact Matt directly as Pure Air Nation remains owner operated to this day.

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