
What Should Pittsburgh Know About the Coronavirus COVID-19?

Some Eye Opening Stats

Pure Air Nation Coronavirus COVID-19
*coronavirus COVID-19*

The Center for Disease Control has a great website with some relevant statistics here: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus

An interactive map on the coronavirus to track the outbreak, spread and efforts to help here: www.nytimes.com/coronavirusmaps

Here is what we know:

  • Coronavirus can last in the air for up to 3 hours
  • Coronavirus can last on steel, metal and other surfaces for up to 2 to 3 days
  • If this coronavirus resemebles its “cousins” SARS and MERS it can stay on surfaces for up to 9 days (In comparison, flu typically lasts 48 hours)

Standard Cleaning Products And How They Work

Standard cleaning products like Lysol and other publicly available solutions, work by killing 99.99% of viruses and bacteria while active. Once dry Standard disinfectants go inert, this means once dry viruses and bacteria have an opportunity to re occupy the surface. Most of us spray on, wipe off. This means as soon as we are done cleaning our homes and businesses are open to being occupied by the same viruses and bacteria we just killed off! 

Even hospital grade cleaning solutions and products do not offer enough long lasting protection to exceed the protection required from the long-life of the coronavirus COVID-19. 

This means even after  individual or professional cleaning efforts most of our city and surrounding Pittsburgh area is still at risk for contamination and spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. Standard cleaning products are not the optimal solutions to maintaining a long lasting clean environment.

Standard Cleaning Products
*Danger levels return almost immediately after any cleaning done with standard household and hospital grade cleaning supplies*

Where Pure Air Can Help

Pure Air Nation has partnered with scientists and have a proprietary preventative spray that can provide LONG-LASTING protection from viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. We have already been using this product in the greater Pittsburgh area!

Here are some facts about our proprietary preventative spray

  • Independent studies have shown it does provide long-lasting protection
  • Can last indefinitely on no to low touch surfaces and up to 3 to 6 months on high touch surfaces
  • Hospitals have already requested our services and we have sprayed common areas, cafeterias, elevators, etc.
  • The proprietary preventative spray is Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered
  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved its use on food contact surfaces! Please contact for the full FDA Tore sheet
  • Now the best news of all…

Independent studies have shown efficacy of our proprietary preventative spray against multiple bacteria and viruses!

Currently independent labs are testing our preventative spray against the coronavirus and it is our belief that it will pass and prove effective.

Look at the difference between our proprietary preventative spray paired with a disinfecting compared to standard hospital grade cleaners. We maintain safer levels MUCH longer in between cleanings. 

Preventative Spray Pure Air Nation
*Pure Air Proprietary Spray in green vs. Standard Hospital Grade cleaners in yellow*

If you are interested having us check out your location or just to talk about how this preventative spray can be applied please contact us via our website at www.pureairnation.com/contact or book a free consultation at calendly.com/pureair